Standing with Workers

As President of Communications Workers of America for our region, Chris is passionate about fighting for workers. He has ensured that hundreds of jobs stay here in Central New York.

As a legislator, he has fought for good contracts and workplace conditions for public servants.

Lifting Central New York’s Economy

As a legislator, Chris proudly voted for funding to prepare the site that Micron chose to locate their multibillion-dollar plant in our region.

Chris is always looking for ways to bring economic development and good-paying jobs to Central New York.

“Access to Care: too many people have to go without, can’t afford it, don’t have insurance, or are underinsured.”

“I’ll never ever-ever stop working on behalf of our working men and women in Central New York.”

Protecting and Expanding Health Care

Chris has always prioritized funding mental health services in the Onondaga legislature, and he will continue to do so.

He also supports issues such as increased healthcare access in rural Oswego County and funding for opioid cessation programs in the Senate.

Chris believes a woman's healthcare decisions should be between her and her doctor.

Instead of taking away our rights, we should protect the freedom and liberty that makes our country great.

Keeping Our Communities Safe

As a legislator, Chris has secured significant funding for police and ensuring our sheriffs, ambulances, and fire departments have up-to-date equipment.

Chris will always look to support our first responders and ensure our communities are safe as State Senator.

“I’ve always prided myself as someone willing to work across-aisle to get something done.”


Chris' wife, Erin, is a public school teacher and all four of his children have attended local public schools. Chris will always fight to deliver resources for our schools as State Senator.